Dear Friends,
As I have already told you a little about this web site and you maybe aware of it now. Today I am going to tell you again about it. Soaring Nature is all about the Nature, human nature, thoughts which strike to our minds, the emotions which we want to express but unfortunately no one is there to listen.
I always wanted to express myself through words but there was no one to listen and understand me so I decided to pen down my feelings. Earlier I used to write on diaries but as we are advancing towards the world of internet so I decided to make this web site. I love to travel and see the world. I don’t want to understand much about the world but I want to feel it. I have plenty to share with you but unfortunately not getting much time but I assure you all soon I will be regular and share my journeys and poetry with you. If any of my friends want to share their views through this site kindly let me know. I’m waiting for your replies.